F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


sore muscles-肌肉酸痛


visit (v): 1-to go to a place in order to experience it, or to go to a person in order to spend time together:
E.g.: We visited a few galleries while we were in New York.
E.g.: When are we going to visit Grandma?
E.g.: She’s not staying here – she’s just visiting for the afternoon.


narrow-狭窄的having a small distance from one side to the other, especially in comparison with the length:
E.g.: a narrow bridge/passage/gap
E.g.: a narrow face
E.g.: The little village has very narrow streets.
E.g.: Nemo’s nose is very long and narrow.

wide (adj)-宽的, having a larger distance from one side to the other than is usual or expected, especially in comparison with the length of something; not narrow:
E.g.: a wide river/road/gap/foot

tune/melody (n): 曲调1-a series of musical notes, especially one that is pleasant and easy to remember:
E.g.: He was humming a melody as he dried the dishes.
E.g.: That’s a very catchy tune (= easy to remember and pleasant).

hum (v): When you hum a tune, you sing it with your lips closed.
E.g.: She was humming a merry little tune…她哼着一支欢快的小曲儿。

consonants-辅音, all other letters