F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


The Iphone is an expensive phone

cheap便宜的 cheaper, cheapest
E.g.: Food is usually cheaper in supermarkets.


Joe can you throw me the lion? Yes I can throw you the lion!
Nemo can you catch the lion? Yes, I can catch the lion!

jump off

jump on-to get on a plane, train, etc. to go somewhere quickly:
E.g.: He jumped on a plane and flew  to Beijing.



Speaking exercise

Today is Friday, tomorrow is Saturday, tomorrow I go to school. Tomorrow in the school eat breakfast and have a class, English, write, and take a rest. See new friend you can’t go out. I can see one person in the school, she is girl, I don’t know her English name, China name is SuanJiaYi

Today is Friday, tomorrow will be Saturday, tomorrow I will go to school. Tomorrow in the school I’ll eat my breakfast and have couple of classes: English, writing, after that I’ll take a rest. I’ll meet some new friends but we can’t go outside to play.In the school,I’ll meet a person who I already know  she is a girl, I don’t know her English name, her Chinese name is SuanJiaYi