F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


cornerstone-a stone in a corner of a building, especially one with the date when the building was made or other writing on it

reinforced concrete

rebar- a steel bar or rod used to reinforce concrete.

central heating system-集中供热系统

prefabricated (adj): 1-Prefabricated buildings or objects are built from parts that have been made in a factory and can be put together quickly:
E.g.: a prefabricated house

energy efficient (adj): 1-used to describe things that use only as much energy as is needed without wasting any:
E.g.: energyefficient lighting/building/appliance –
The company has fitted energy-efficient lighting throughout the building.
E.g.: energy-efficient technology/system
We need to become more energy efficient so that we don’t generate power just to waste it.



stainless –/ˌsteɪn.ləs ˈstiːl/