F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


residence permit-居留许可证

peninsula (n): 1-a piece of land nearly surrounded by water or sticking out into the water. 2- 半岛.
E.g.: Dalian is in the south of the Liaodong Peninsula.

script (n): a set of letters used for writing a particular language.
E.g.: Arabic/Cyrillic/Roman script

diverse (adj): 1- including many different types of people or things. 2-very different from each other.
E.g.1: New York is a very culturally diverse city.
E.g.2: We hold very diverse views on the topic.

grease (n): 1-animal or vegetable fat that is soft after melting, or more generally, any thick oil-like substance.
E.g.: The dinner plates were thick with grease.

rib (n): 1-a bone that curves round from your back to your chest. 2-肋骨. 3-a piece of meat taken from this part of an animal
E.g.: My son broke a rib when he fell off a ladder.
E.g.: He cooked rib of lamb for Sunday lunch.