F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


iceberg  (n)- 冰山 a large mass of ice floating in the sea
E.g.: Icebergs are very dangerous for ships!

float (v):浮动 1-to stay on the surface of a liquid and not sink:
E.g.: An empty bottle will float.

sink / sank , sunk(v): to (cause something or someone to) go down below the surface or to the bottom of a liquid or soft substance:
E.g.: The Titanic was a passenger ship which sank (to the bottom of the ocean) in 1912.
E.g.: The ship sank to the bottom of the sea.-船沉入海底

chimney (n):烟囱 1-a hollow structure that allows the smoke from a fire inside a building to escape to the air outside:
E.g.: Thick, black smoke was coming out of the chimney.
E.g.: The chimney was made of bricks.

above (prep): 在上面1- in or to a higher position than something else:
E.g.: There’s a mirror above the desk.
E.g.: He lifted his hands above his head

under (prep): 1-在下面, below the surface of sth; covered by sth-在…表面下;由…覆盖着
E.g.: The boat lay under several feet of water

bow-船头the front end of a ship

stern- 船尾the back end of a ship

elevator (n): 1-电梯, a device like a box that moves up and down, carrying people or goods from one floor of a building to another
E.g.: Titanic had 4 elevators.

passenger (n): 1-乘客, a person who is travelling in a vehicle but is not driving it, flying it, or working on it:
E.g.: airline/rail/train/car passengers

Speaking exercise

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