F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


wholesale (adj/adv)批发, of or for the selling of goods in large amounts at low prices to shops and businesses, rather than the selling of goods in shops to customers:
E.g.: wholesale prices
E.g.: a wholesale supplier/business
E.g.: We only sell wholesale, not to the public.

retail (n) 零售业, the activity of selling goods to the public, usually in shops:
E.g.: The clothing company has six retail outlets (= shops) in Perth.

abbreviation (n): 1-a short form of a word or phrase:
E.g.: “ITV” is the abbreviation for “Independent Television”.

OB-obstetrics-产科学-the area of medicine that deals with pregnancy and the birth of babies:
E.g.: obstetrics and gynaecology

LDRP-Labor Delivery Recovery and Postpartum

labor (n): 1-the last stage of pregnancy when the muscles of the uterus start to push the baby out of the body, usually lasting until the baby appears:
E.g.: She went into (= started) labor at twelve o’clock last night.

NICU-Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

OR-operating room

LDR-Labor, Delivery, and Recovery

Incubator-a container that has controlled air and temperature conditions in which a weak or premature baby (= one which was born too early) can be kept alive, 用于放置早产婴儿的
E.g.: He was prematurely born so he had to spend some time in an incubator.


half and a two years ago-two and a half years ago

half an year-half a year

Speaking exercise

let me check it up for you-let me check