F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


precise (adj):精确的, exact and accurate:very careful and accurate, especially about small details:

reassure (v): 1- to comfort someone and stop them from worrying:
E.g.: He reassured me (that) my order would arrive soon.

deadline (n): 1-a time or day by which something must be done:
E.g.: There’s no way I can meet that deadline.
E.g.: We’re working to a tight deadline (= we do not have much time to finish the work).
E.g.: I’m afraid you’ve missed the deadline – the deadline for applications was 30 May.

long-term client-长期客户

long-term (adj): happening, existing, or continuing for many years or far into the future:
E.g.: a long-term agreement/contract/deal
on the same page-If two or more people are on the same page, they are in agreement about what they are trying to achieve.
E.g.: Everyone in the office has to be on the same page about what our top priorities are.