F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


queue (n): 1-a line of people, usually standing or in cars, waiting for something:
E.g.: Are you in the queue for tickets?
E.g.: There was a long queue of traffic stretching down the road.

queue (up) (v): 1-to wait in a line of people, often to buy something:
E.g.: Dozens of people were queueing up to get tickets.
E.g.: We had to queue for three hours to get in.

mean (adj): 1- unkind or unpleasant:
E.g.: Stop being so mean to me!
E.g.: She just said it to be mean.

mean words


How to Expand Your Vocabulary

-Look up any words you don’t recognize. When you see an unfamiliar word, do not skip over it impatiently. Try to puzzle out its possible meaning in the context of the sentence, then look it up in the dictionary and confirm its definition.
-Consider keeping a small notebook with you and quickly write down unknown words as you come across them for checking later. If you hear or see a word you don’t know, be sure to look it up.

Read the dictionary. Dive in. Read entries for words you aren’t yet familiar with. This requires the ownership of a quality dictionary to make it more interesting, so look for a dictionary that has lengthy explanations on the origins and uses of words, as these will go a long way to helping you remember the word and enjoy using your dictionary.