F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


Watch the movie, and write about your feelings while watching the movie


Historia magistra vitae est- is a Latin expression meaning, history is life’s teacher

district- 区
E.g.: I live in Hongkou district

social science-社会科学

future (n): a period of time that is to come:
E.g.: Sometimes I worry about the future.
E.g.: I wonder what the future holds for (= what will happen to) you and me.

originally (adv): 1- in the beginning; when something first existed:
E.g.: It was a bedroom originally, but we turned it into a study.
E.g.: They now live in California, but originally they came from Mexico.

archaeology (n):the study of the buildings, graves, tools, and other objects that belonged to people who lived in the past, in order to learn about their culture and society
E.g.: Daniel is very interested in history and archaeology, and often visits historic sites.
E.g.: She is an expert on the archaeology of ancient Egypt.