F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


Write a short story about your perfect Moon base


bumpy (adj):not smooth:
E.g.: We drove along a narrow, bumpy road.
E.g.: The Moon’s surface is bumpy

beyond (adj, prep): 1- further away in the distance (than something):
E.g.: In the distance, beyond the river, was a small town.
E.g.: Our house is just beyond the bridge.

vast (adj): 1-extremely big
E.g.: a vast stretch of desert
E.g.: vast knowledge

dwell (v): 1-to live in a place or in a particular way:
E.g.: She dwelt in a remote forest beyond the river.

speck (n): a very small mark, piece, or amount:
E.g.: There’s not a speck of (= not any) dust/dirt in their house.
E.g.: We could see a speck (= a small amount) of light at the end of the tunnel.
