F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


rapeseed油菜/canola- a plant with yellow flowers from which oil and animal food are produced

face wash-再生洁面乳

lotion (n): 1-护肤液a liquid that you put on your skin in order to protect it, improve its condition, or make it smell pleasant:
E.g.: suntan lotion

make-up remover

antihistamine (n): 1-a type of drug that is used to treat medical conditions caused by an extreme reaction to particular substances:
E.g.: Antihistamine is often used to treat hay fever and insect bites.

allergy (n): 1-a condition that makes a person become sick or develop skin or breathing problems because they have eaten certain foods or been near certain substances:
E.g.: an allergy to wheat
E.g.: a wheat allergy

anaphylaxis/ anaphylactic shock (n)-an extreme and dangerous allergic reaction to something that a person has eaten or touched:
E.g.: In severe cases, anaphylaxis – the swelling of the tongue and closing of the throat – can occur and is life-threatening.
E.g.: Scientists believe a bite from a tick can lead to anaphylactic shock.


tent-帐篷a shelter made of canvas or a similar material and supported by poles and ropes, that you can fold up and carry with you
E.g.: How does it feel to be back in civilization after all those weeks in a tent?
E.g.: Rain had dampened the tent so we left it to dry in the afternoon sun.
E.g.: Outside the tent I could hear the constant drone of insects.

drone (n) [Noise]- a low continuous noise that does not change its note:
E.g.: the drone of an engine
E.g.: Outside the tent I could hear the constant drone of insects.

drone (n): 1-an aircraft without a pilot that is controlled by someone on the ground, used especially as a hobby