F2F Class Notes (Nemo)

Speaking exercise

For Chinese New Year we went to the supermarket we bought clothes and food.  I bought a dinosaur hoodie. I bought a jacket. I got home and eat dinner. The dinner had many food fish, rice cake, vegetables, soup and rice.  My grandmother came for the dinner and she made the dinner.  After dinner, dad and mom gave brother and me a red packet, grandma gave me a red packet too. I will save this money to buy a rabbit robot.

For Chinese New Year we went to the supermarket and there we bought clothes and food.  I bought a dinosaur hoodie also I bought a jacket. After I got home from the supermarket I ate dinner. For dinner we had many dishes-fish, rice cake, vegetables, soup and rice.  My grandmother came for the dinner and she made the dinner.  After the dinner, dad and mom gave to brother and me a red packet to each one of us, grandma gave me a red packet too. I will save this money to buy a rabbit robot.

To each one of us- they gave a present to each child

I have many many homework- a lot of homework


(a sweatshirt (= cotton clothing for the upper body) that has a hood to cover the head


Mask (n): a covering for all or part of the face that protects, hides, or decorates the person wearing it面具,面罩
a gas mask 防毒面具
a surgical mask 外科手术口罩

Where are you at? Where are you at the moment?
I’m in Madrid, Madrid is the capital of Spain.


Water boils at 212° Fahrenheit and 100° Celsius/Centigrade.


Below zero-above zeroZZ