F2F Class Notes (Nemo) [W]


go with the flow to do what other people are doing or to agree with other people because it is the easiest thing to do
E.g.: Just relax and go with the flow!

vacation (v): a time when someone does not go to work or school but is free to do what they want, such as travel or relax
E.g.: We’re taking a vacation in June.
E.g.: They went to Europe on vacation.

gratitude (n): the feeling or quality of being grateful
E.g.: deep/eternal gratitude
E.g.: She sent them a present to show/express her gratitude.

grateful (adj): showing or expressing thanks, especially to another person
E.g.: I’m so grateful (to you) for all that you’ve done.
E.g.: If you could get that report finished by Thursday, I’d be very grateful.

misunderstanding (n): an occasion when someone does not understand something correctly
E.g.: There must be some misunderstanding. I never asked for these chairs to be delivered.
E.g.: His ridiculous comments showed a complete misunderstanding of the situation.

Writing exercise

I have good communication with media and some influencers. I spent much time to communicated with them,not only to recommended our products but also talked some personal things. I remember every work partners birthday, and I bought birthday presents for them. In each vacation, I will say hello to them and send my wishes to them. For that, they can remember me .when I need them to write some good reviews on their media or on their personal Weibo, they would be very kindness to help me. When I seeding them the products they also be very pleasure to show in their wechat moment.

I have good communication with media and some influencers. I spent much communicating with them, not only to recommended our products but also we spoke about some personal things. I remember every work-partners’/coworker’s/colleague’s birthday, and I would always buy birthday presents for them. For/On each/every holiday/festival, I would say hello to them and send my wishes to them. Because of that, they can remember me .when I need them to write some good reviews on their media or on their official Weibo account, they’re willing to help. Whenever I would send them any of our products they usually show their gratitude by posting about it on  their wechat moment.