F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


They didn’t ask me introduction to introduce myself

I love summer because I like swim and eating ice cream with my friend and wear a lovely dress

I love summer because I like to swim and to eating ice cream with my friend also I love to wear a lovely dress


cruise ship-大型游轮

keep your/an eye out for sb/sth
to watch carefully for someone or something to appear
E.g.: Keep your eye out for signposts to Yosemite.

she seemed a bit older then me-她看起来比我大一点

optimist (n): someone who always believes that good things will happen
E.g.: She’s a born optimist (= someone who has always been optimistic).

pessimist (n): a person who thinks that bad things are more likely to happen or who emphasizes the bad part of a situation:
E.g.: Don’t be such a pessimist!
E.g.: Change may not come as fast, or as brutally, as the pessimists fear.

I’m trying to think positive thoughts. 我尽力往积极的方面想。