F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[W]


real estate market
real estate (n): 1-property in the form of land or buildings:
E.g.: We’re going to buy a piece of real estate.

real estate agent-房地产经纪人

property market-房地产市场

property manager/management 

bond (n): 1-an official paper given by the government or a company to show that you have lent them money that they will pay back to you at a particular interest rate:
E.g.: I invested some money in savings bonds.

债券市场-bond market

to follow the advice of an expert
to consult different experts


trustworthy-值得信赖的, a person worth of your trust OPPOSITE-untrustworthy
trustworthiness (n): the quality or fact of being trustworthy (= able to be trusted):
E.g.: Many stock traders said a good business record and trustworthiness were the qualities that most influenced how they trade.

HQ-headquarters –总部
E.g.: Alibaba’s headquarters is/are in Hangzhou.

There Are Exceptions to Every Rule


addiction (n)
addictive (adj)

Writing exercise

It is a very hard way to invest a new unknown company for investors.They often have to read a lot of data and listen to many different views from specialists. Sometimes they need to travel to the workplace of the company by themselves taking many pieces of luggage and the travel could be very tiring. Among all the information, they must find the decisive one. For example,If you want to invest a tissue company,you need to use the product and compare it with other tissues. If you want to research if people will addict to games,you had better try various games like computer games,werewolf,telephone games to know if them can catch your attention or not.

It’s very hard for investors to invest in a new company. They often have to read a lot of data and to listen to advices from many specialists/experts. Sometimes they need to travel to a company’s HQ by themselves taking many pieces of luggage and the travel could be very tiring. Among all  the information they receive, they must find the decisive one(s). For example,If you want to invest in a tissue company,you need to use the product and compare it with other tissues. Also if you want to invest in a video game company you should check how addictive are their video gamesit would be the best if you  try various games like computer games,werewolf,telephone games to see if they can catch your attention or not.