F2F Class Notes (Mason)[w]


Write a paragraph about your ideal man. Use at least 3 vocabulary word from below.


Ambiguous – Not clear
eg. His meaning was ambiguous.

Accumulation – the gathering of something
eg. He spent his whole life accumulating wealth, that he never had a family.

Age – a time period
eg. Michael Jackson is the best singer of our age.

Naive – to have a very ‘young’ or innocent view of things
eg. People consider me to be naive, but I think I am just an optimist.

Optimist – someone who thinks positively

Pessimist – Someone who thinks negatively

Jogging – to run slow for excersize

Ambivalent – When you don’t care
eg. I am ambivalent towards Michael Jacksons music.

Empathic – to be able to understand other peoples emotions
eg. My friend is very empathetic, and will listen and help if you have any problems.

Compatible – when you fit well with someone else
eg. Me and my last girlfriend were very compatible, but I caught her stealing money from me so I dumped her.

Chemistry – how you get along with someone
eg. I met a guy at the bar and we had great chemistry, but then I saw he had a wedding ring 🙁 .


I don’t like go to gym – I don’t like going to the gym.

Day by dayevery other day

Writing exercise

I have a friend who is very gentle, because he almost wears suit without scruff on his face every day. Another reason I like to stay with him is that he’s very interesting, independent and unlike people with the same age, he’s not spoiled living in one-child family. He’s also a subtle person. He can get my feelings quickly, no matter I’m happy or not.

I have a friend who is a gentleman. He never has any scruff, and he wears a suit almost every day. I like hanging out with him because he’s very interesting, independent, and unlike people the same age, he doesn’t rely on his parents. He’s also a empathetic person. He understands my feelings quickly, whether I’m happy or not.