F2F Class Notes (Mason)


Annoying – something that bothers you
eg. The visa process is very annoying.

Troublesome – something that causes
eg. I need an American visa, but I think getting the visa is very troublesome.

Research – to find information
eg. I need to make sure to do research on the weather in Japan before my trip.

Neighborhood – an area of the city
eg. Jingan is my favorite neighborhood in the city.

Mall – a center with lots of stores
eg. I like to go shopping at the mall

Mostly – 大部分
eg. For exercise, I mostly do Yoga.

In between – in the middle
eg. I am in between jobs right now.

Independent – to be by oneself
eg. Foreign kids are very independent compared to Chinese kids.

Temperate – when the weather is not hot or cold
eg. San Francisco’s climate is very temperate.

The game is rigged: The game is fake


Next month I quit my job – Last month I quit my job.

how long you at shanghai – How long have you lived in Shanghai.

Not as big as Shanghai