F2F Class Notes (Mason)[s]


Write about your cafe. What would be on the menu? where would it be located?


Height Requirements – When you have to be a certain height to do something
eg. The army has a height requirement of 5 feet tall.

Medic – Army doctor
eg. I tried to be a medic but I was too short.

Gun Control – Laws that make it harder to buy guns
eg. Conservatives in america are generally against gun control.

Blessing in disguise – Something that seems bad but could be good in the end
eg. Not being allowed into the army was actually a blessing in disguise, because I love my current job as a designer.


How many population the country have – Depends on the size of the population

The first time we knew each other was nine years before – The first time we met was nine years ago

Have little rest – You don’t get a lot of rest

There are universities attached to army – There are universities run by army

They will be trainThey will train you 

Countries with big populations no need to do that – Countries with big populations wouldn’t need to do that

If the countries population is not too big, theres not necessary to compulsory. – If the countries population is not too big, theres necessary to compulsory.

Speaking exercise

A lot of people want to smoke, they need cigarettes, if made it illegal, they will disobey the law, then a lot of crimes will happen. In my private aspect, i want to make it illegal. Smell makes me awful. And it is not good for the health. – A lot of people want to smoke, they need cigarettes. If they were made illegal, those people would break the law, by continuing to smoke. Personally, i want to make it illegal. The smell is awful. And it is not good for the your health.