F2F Class Notes (Mason)[w][s]


Write about a vacation you went on in the past. Remember to use past tense!


When to use to before the verb
Generally you do use a ‘to’ in front of a verb, if you are using the base form of the verb (I like to run/I like running). In the case of your sentence “I want to help design”, you have already used the ‘to’ for the first verb (help), and do not have to insert another one for the second verb (design)

A friend of me – A friend of mine

Speaking exercise

I have a friend who is a staff of our vendors, and we have connect because she needs to provide service to our compnay so we know about each other. After a while we become very good friend. She is older than me but shes daughter have been very…she has studied junior school but she is not very old. She and her daughter looks like sister. And then we bought a disney card and we went to disneyland together and every time she didnt take her daughter. And I said whether your daughter will be angry because every time you take her together. And she said her daughter doesnt like to ride the rides. She likes eating. So everytime she will buy a lot of snacks or candies for her daughter then her daughter will become heavy. 

I have a friend who is an employee of one of our our vendors, and we connected because she needs to provide services to our company so we met. After a while we become very good friends. My friend is still pretty young and her daughter is already in secondary school. Her and her daughter looks like sisters. We bought a isney card and we started going to Disneyland together, but every time we go she doesn’t take her daughter. And I asked if her daughter will be angry because she never gets to go to Disneyland. And she said her daughter doesn’t like to ride the rides. She likes eating. So every time we go, my friend will buy a lot of snacks or candies for her daughter. That way, her daughter will be happy.

Writing exercise

If I’m an architect, I will always work overtime because I will need to design and modify my blue prints. I will design some departments instead of shopping malls. These departments will let people who live in them fell warm in winter and fell cold in summer. The departments also have a modern appearance and a nice orientation. Then people live in it can have enough sunshine. I don’t like to work for any companies so I will be a freelancer. Then I can have much more time to travel all over the world to see different types of constructions. That is good for my design.

If I was an architect, I would always work overtime because I would need to design and modify my blueprints. Many architects design shopping malls, but I would design some apartments instead. These apartments would let people who live in them feel warm in winter and cold in summer. The apartments would also have a modern appearance and nice interior design. All the rooms would have natural light, and the bedroom would face face east so you can watch the sunrise. Then the people who live in it will have enough sunshine. I don’t like to work for a company so I will be a freelancer. Then I would have much more time to travel all over the world to see different types of construction projects. That would be good for my design.