F2F Class Notes (Mason)[s]


Consistent – 一贯
eg. This restaurant is consistently good, Ive never had a bad meal there.

Tired – I like running, but it makes me tired

Tiring – I like running, but it is tiring

Have to do– something you must do
eg. I have to reply to my emails everyday.

Can do – Something you are now able to do
eg. I can bake mooncakes.

Get to do – doing something you are happy about doing
eg. I get to eat Japanese food this weekend.

Leaving dateDeparture date


Share to – Share with

To go something fun – To do something fun

Before I speak to him – Before I spoke to him

I don’t want to go there within a short time – I don’t want to go there again within such a short time.

East island in malaysia – An eastern island of Malaysia.

Speaking exercise

I am thinking about any places I can go near Bangkok. I think I went to the Chiangmai three years ago, and I went to phuket several years ago. Actually I don’t like thailand very much, I think Chiangmai there is no sea. – I am thinking about where I can go near Bangkok. I went to Chiangmai about three years ago, and I went to Phuket several years ago. I don’t like Thailand too much. Chiangmai isnt even on the sea. 

I think go to the sea port. I think you should go there with your boyfriend or husband, i think it will be perfect. If you go there alone, so weird. I think if you are going to the beach, you should go with a boyfriend or husband. That would be perfect. If you go there alone its a bit weird.