F2F Class Notes (Mason)[s]


Review class notes

Movie: Crazy Rich Asians


Jealous – 妒忌
eg. I am jealous that you are going to Japan.

Rusty – when you forget how to do something well
eg. Sorry my english is rusty, I haven’t been practicing.

Silicon Valley – Area near San Francisco famous for technology company
eg. Oracle is a famous company in Silicon Valley.

A couple of years – 2 or 3 years
eg. I want to move to Japan in a couple years.

Regret – to wish you did something differently
ie. I regret not studying english in college.

Melt – 熔化
eg. The ice in my drink has all melted.

30 something
Eg. Sex in the city is about four 30 something women in New York.


California is very sunshine – California is very sunny

One month, three times at least – At least three times a month

to tired to fly to America three times one – It is too tiring to fly to America three times a month.

every way I like japan – I like Japan in every way. 

Last year I went there four times in a year – Last year I went there four times.

We must to learn english – We need to learn english.

I like to go where I want. I don’t like relying on other people. 

Speaking exercise

Take the JR and subway and go to where you need. – You can take the JR and subways to get anywhere you need to go. 

I suppose Chinese is a very country so many foreign companies inside china so we need to learn english. In japan its a very great country so they need to–they have their own company. – China is a very big country so many foreign companies move here to do business. So we have to learn english in order to get a job. Japan is a great country with their own industries.

Easy to drink any more – Its easy to drink too much

I no time – I have no time.