F2F Class Notes (Mason)


Read article/watch movie about Vietnam war. Write your opinion on if the war was justified.


Justified – to have casue or reason for what you are doing
eg. I am quitting my job without warning. It is justified because they havent paid me in weeks.

Set in his ways – someone who doesn’t change they

Predictable – something or someone who doesn’t change much
Eg. My boss has a coffee with two sugars every day, he is very predictable.

Realistic – Possible; something that closely resembles real life
eg, His idea for expanding our sales department is smart and realistic.
eg. This painting of fruit is so realistic its making me hungry

Ancient – Very, very old
eg. The most famous pyramids today are all in Ancient Egypt.

Endeavor – A trip with a purpose

Zodiac – A series of symbols attached to star movement that people
eg. There is a difference between the Chinese zodiac and the western zodiac.

Horoscope – a prediction on your day or life based on zodias
eg. Virgos: Today you will be presented with an opportunity for change, do not shy away from it!


Synonyms for “As Scheduled” -at the previously mentioned time, at the agreed time, at the established time

Advice for Yoyo – Bilingual story books (With both Chinese and english), Flash cards with pictures, Super Simple Songs (Youtube),
– Explain the difference between Nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Play the noun, verb, adjective game