F2F Class Notes (Mason)[w]


Hurdle – something you have to overcome
eg. There were many hurdles for me when I tried to join the army.

Approve – to allow or accept
eg. I met my daughters boyfriend today and I approve of him. He seems like a thoughtful, nice man.

Deny – to not allow or accept
eg. He was denied from the bar because he was wearing shorts.

Alliteration – literary term for when multiple words start with the same sound

Mood – how you are feeling at the time
eg. Sorry for being so mean, I was in a bad mood.
eg. After I exerciseĀ  I am always in a great mood!

Writing exercise

Armyā€™s life is really important and unforgettable memory for me, thatĀ is taught me how to independent live by myself: such as washed my clothes, cleared my own things, solved relationship with army buddy or leaders, and change my eating habit
When I lived in Shanghai, I didnā€™t do anything by myself. My parents always prepare all of things for me. But in my opinion, I didnā€™t like this style because I thought I should do something for that time.Ā 
So I asked my father to help me to apply to join the military.Ā 

The first year of army is more difficult than second, because you were new guy for the old buddies. So I needed to do a lot of things to license that Iā€™m friendly, reliable and so on. If you didnā€™t do anything for the old soldiers, maybe youā€™ll get some small punishment from them such as: didnā€™t allow to smoke, didnā€™t eat some snacks and run a long distance running. Thatā€™s a awful time for every new soldier. Fortunately itā€™s only have 3 months
When you went to the new company, youā€™ll feel more comfortable than before.

My time in the Army is a really important and unforgettable memory for me because it taught me to beĀ independent and how to live by myself. I learned valuable life skills, such as washing my clothes, cleaning up after myself, andĀ Ā how to solve relationships with fellow soldiers or leadersĀ my superiors, and how to change my eating habits. Before joining the army, I generally only ate pork and chinese cabbage. However in the army, they served all kinds of different foods, and if you didn’t eat what they served, you would go hungry. In this way, I learned how to appreciate all kinds of different foods. That habit has stayed with me until today.Ā Ā 
When I lived in Shanghai, I didnā€™t do anything forĀ myself. My parents always took care of everything for me. But in my opinion, I didnā€™t like this lifestyle because I thought I shouldĀ be taking care of things myself.Ā 
So I asked my father to help me to apply for the military.

The first year in the army was more difficult than second, because we wereĀ consideredĀ the new guysĀ by the old soldiers. So I needed to do a lot of things to proveĀ that I was friendly, reliable and so on. If we didnā€™t do anything for the old soldiers, there was a good chance we would get some small punishment from them such as not being allowed to smoke, being denied snacks or forced to run a long distance. Thatā€™s always an awful time for every new soldier [Recruit]. Fortunately itā€™s only three months.
When I was transferred to the new company, I felt more comfortable than before.