F2F Class Notes (Mason)



Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

Watch Thor: Ragnorak


Often – frequently
eg. I dont see my father often.

Elitist – someone who thinks they are the best
eg. Many people think Shanghaiese are elitist.

Elite – the best
eg. This company is the elite manufacturer of luxury cars.

Irresponsible – not responsible
eg. My friends are not very responsible at work.

Spoiled – to be given everything without working
eg. My friend doesnt have a job, but her parents give her money. She is very spoiled.

Subtle – to give a hint, under the radar, not obvious
eg. I bought my boyfriend a razor, a subtle hint he should shave.

Facial hair – hair on a mans face
eg. I don’t like men with facial hair.

Scruff – just a little bit of hair on a mans face
eg. I am ok with a little scruff on a man.

Flattery – to be overly nice to someone/excessive compliments
eg. Flattery will get you nowhere.
eg. That photo of me is not flattering at all. 

Free time – time when you have nothing to do
eg. I don’t have a lot of free time these days.


One of us best friends – One of our best friends.