F2F Class Notes (Mason)


Review vocab terms; write sentences with at least (5) new words


Hour and a half – 90 minutes

Share – to have different people use the same thing
eg. Me and my friend share the same bike.

Treat – the way you act towards someone/something sweet or tasty you eat
eg. I broke up with my boyfriend beacause he treated my badly.

Sophisticated – Something that is very complex and works well; a person who is very put together.

Siblings – brother or sister
eg. Do you have any siblings?

Regulate – to control or to monitor/pay attention to
eg. Regulating your breath really helps when doing yoga.

Balance – 平衡
eg. Balance is very important for handstands.
eg. I don’t have a good work life balance

Cousin – 表姐
eg. I have one cousin in Shanghai

New Years -新年
eg. Im not looking forward to going to NY for New Years.

Parallel – 平行
eg. Yanping road and Jiaozhou road are parallel.

Socialize – to hang out with friends
eg. I can only socialize once or twice a week.

Seldom – not often
eg. This month I seldom ate dinner.

Junk/fast food – Kuaican
eg. At lunch I usually eat fast food.

Meal – when you eat
eg. My first meal of the day was McDonalds.

Hungry + Angry = Hangry
Sorry for yelling, I am just hangry.

Divorce – When a married couple gets unmarried
eg. My parents got a divorce.

Separated – When a married couple splits up but stays married
eg. My parents were separated for years before they finally got a divorce.

Break up – when a couple (not married) splits up
eg. Me and frank broke up two weeks ago.

Dump – when one person breaks up with another – usually its mean
eg. It was a huge surprise when Kate dumped me.

Time Review

Seconds – 秒
Minute – 分钟
Hour – 小时
Day – 天
Week – 周
Month – 月
Year – 年


I usually mistake – I usually make mistakes

I don’t meet him that often. – I don’t see him that often

Twos a yearTwice a year

Fives a week – Five days a week.

I don’t a lot eat McDonalds – I don’t eat McDonalds often.

30 years ago. – After they are 30 years old

Parts of Speech Review 

Noun – Person, Place, or Thing

Verb – Action word

Adjective – Description word

The dutiful doctor danced

My beautiful brother bought a balloon

Shanghai is sophisticated

The terrible tiger tasted a tasty treat