F2F Class Notes (Mason)


Overlook – To view from above
eg. My office overlooks the factory.

Maximize efficiency – To make the most efficient
eg. My job is maximize efficiency within my company.

Businesses Minded – To be professional
eg. You would think germans would be business minded but I’ve found they are not.

Long term – For a long time
eg. I take several longterm vacations per year.

Cosmetics – Skin care products/Make up
eg. I go to japan to buy cosmetics.

Pufferfish – A fish which can inflate and is covered in spikes. Popular in Japanese cuisine
eg. I ate pufferfish on my last visit to Tokyo.

Waterfront – Along the water
eg. San Francisco is very built up along the waterfront.

Significant other – a romantic partner
eg. Me and my significant other went to Bali for a week last summer.

Mindset – how you think about things
eg. I do not open my laptop on vacation because it ruins my vacation mindset.

Victim – A person harmed as the result of a crime or accident
eg. I am afraid I will be a victim of a robbery if I go out late at night.


For me now it’s okNow I find it’s ok

Joined my current companies – Joined my current company

It is very confused to me – It is very confusing to me.

Analysis – Analyze

I like travel very much – I like to travel very much.

Long, Long years ago – Many, many years ago.