F2F Class Notes (Li)[W]


When do children start to have ideas of their own? Should we encourage them to think for themselves?


manipulate – to make others think, feel or do things a certain way

eg. He is very good at manipulating his coworkers.

eg. Advertisements try to manipulate people to buy products that they may not need.

creator – somebody who makes something especially in the design, arts sector

celebrity/ies – famous people

put off by sth/sbd – to not like sth/sbd because you’re annoyed

eg. I’m put off by aggressive salespeople.

eg. Some people will be put off by a product if the advertisements are everywhere.

subscription – a monthly fee for tv, music etc.

livestream – 直播

Writing exercise

Whether you do like advisement or not, it’s possible that you can meet them in anywhere. For business sellers, advisements could be very helpful to promote their products. For acceptors, advisements might show some latest information. To buy or not to buy, all depend on your decisions. I hate advertising because the people behind it are so good at making us feel or think a certain way. They are good at getting our attention: We’re too old, too fat, too ugly, our car is too slow, TV is too small.. I don’t let advisements tell me what I am going to buy, cars, computers or whatever. If I am interested in car, I will look at the comments on line in advance, but I don’t make a decision based on the advertisement.


Whether you like it or not, we can see advertisements everywhere. For businesses, advertisements could be very helpful to promote their products. For customers, advertisements might provide some latest product information. It depends on whether you would like to buy or not. I hate advertisements because the people behind them/the creators are so good at making us feel or think a certain way/manipulating us. They are good at getting our attention: We’re too old, too fat, too ugly, our car is too slow or our TV is too small are all examples of how they make us feel. I don’t let advertisements tell me what I am going to buy. If I am interested in a car, I will look at the comments online in advance, but I don’t make a decision based on the advertisement.