F2F Class Notes (Li)[S/W]

Next Class Focus

Try to not use ‘maybe’ and ‘actually’ when it’s not necessary.


humid hot: 湿热

monsoon season: 梅雨季

eg. Now is the monsoon season so bring an umbrella with you at all times.

homestay: a holiday in which you stay at an unknown person’s home å宿

eg. We booked a homestay for 3 nights this weekend.

it’s a way to relax/it’s a form of relaxation

intimate: very close to sb

eg. Their relationship is very intimate.

eg. Maintaining an intimate relationship after several years together can be difficult.

surpass: to do or be better than 超过,优于,胜过

eg. His intelligence has surpassed his professor’s.

eg. The book’s success has surpassed everyone’s expectations.

affectionate: when you show your feelings of like, love etc.  表示爱的; 有感情的

eg. The couple is very affectionate to each other.

eg. Her mother is very caring and affectionate to the little girl.

express feelings/show their feelings/demonstrate feelings


get married with  –  – get married to sb 

attractments   attractions 

for example/instance/for me + comma (,) at the beginning of a sentence

For example, many couples are openly affectionate.

however/but/on the other hand/therefore/in summary/in conclusion + comma (,) at the the beginning of a sentence

Speaking exercise

For me, actually I hate to walk. When I didn’t get married with my husband. Our first travel is to BJ and I became angry. It was very hot and I want to take taxi, but he didn’t so we argued. When I was single before at weekends, I always stayed at home – I don’t like to go outside. I can stay at home for the whole month, it’s okay. When we have our kids, my husband said, “we have to take them outside”.

I checked the weather report and it said maybe it will be raining today. So I told my daughter, “maybe we have to cancel our trip this weekend”. My daughter was sad.

Travel is just go another place to look, even inside and not go outside, they will be happy. For them, it’s okay. Maybe they can build a tent and play with us. My husband say it’s okay, it’s relax.


For me, actually I hate to walk. When I didn’t get married to my husband. Our first trip was to BJ and I became angry/was furious. It was very hot and I wanted to take a taxi, but he didn’t so we argued. When I was single back then, during weekends, I always stayed at home – I didn’t like to go outside. I could stay at home for the whole month, it’s okay. When we had our kids, my husband said, “we have to take them outside”.

I checked the weather report and it said maybe it will rain today. So I told my daughter, “we have to/should cancel our trip this weekend”. My daughter was sad.

Travelling is about going to another place to explore, even if it’s indoors, they will be happy. For them, it’s okay. They could build a tent and play with us. My husband says that it’s okay, it’s relaxing.

Writing exercise

Too intimate behaviors between lovers in public place

Sometimes you can see some lovers do too intimate behaviors in public .For example the girl will sit on the boy’s lap in the subway, in the bus and so on.That behavior really makes me feel uncomfortable. I can accept lovers kiss or hug in public when they want to show their beautiful feelings. For me ,I think these behaviors are O.K. You cannot but feel amazing.It is really good for young guys. But if the behavior will make others feel uncomfortable, i thinks it means it exceeds the limit. It is not only two people’s thing and it has social impact on others.The couples fall in love and express their feelings.However they also need to pay attention to social distance.Too intimate behaviors are impolite and you should do them when you are in private.


Intimate behavior between lovers in public

Sometimes you can see that some lovers are too intimate in public. For example, the girl will sit on the boy’s lap in the subway, on the bus and so on. These type of behavior really makes me feel uncomfortable. I can accept when lovers kiss or hug in public when they want to express their feelings. For me, I think these behaviors are O.K. It feels amazing for young guys. But, if the behavior makes others feel uncomfortable then I think it means it has exceeded the limit. It is not only about two people/It has surpassed just the two of them and it has a social impact on others. Couples can fall in love and express their feelings. However, they also need to pay attention to social distance; too intimate behavior/being too intimate is impolite and you should only do them when you are in private.