F2F Class Notes (Li)[S]


residential community/complex – å°åŒº

lift/elevator – 电梯

moving company – helps you to pack or move to a new place

not that/too much/not a lot  

self-assembly furniture – to put furniture by yourself/DIY furniture

assemble – put sth together

the sound-proofing is not good – to prevent sound from leaking so you can hear

cosy – comfortable and pleasant

ex. The decor in my new house is very cosy and relaxing.

I was lucky because I found it by chance – out of luck

I lost faith/hope in finding a good place

tenants – people who rent property

act quickly – to take action fast

ex. I acted quickly when the house became available.

run-down house/building – very old/in bad condition

Speaking exercise

It’s better than previous

It’s better than before 

Before the agents they took me look around the house is very dirty or very old and the price is like exist my budget. But the place I move is within my budget. Finish decorating already and I bought a lot of stuff to decorate the place.

Before the agents they took me to have a look around many houses which are very dirty or very old/run-down and the price exceeds my budget. But, my new place which I moved into is within my budget. I’ve already finished decorating and I bought a lot of stuff/many things to decorate the place.

I live 5 floors. When I unpack the boxes I move it to the ground floor and then back to 5th floor.

I live on the 5th floor. When I unpacked all the boxes, I moved them to the ground floor and then I walked back to the 5th floor.

I almost 20 boxes, yeah so many stuff.

I have almost 20 boxes, yeah so many stuff/things.   

I prepared before to live in old house.

I prepared beforehand to live in an old house.

I made the decision to move my house is very suddenly.

The decision to move to my current house was made very suddenly.

When I visit to her new house, I feel, “The style is not like I like very much.”

When I visited to her new house, I felt, “The style is not suitable for me/doesn’t fit me.

When I went there the house even more good than the picture.

When I went there the house looks even better than the picture.