F2F Class Notes (Li)[S]


typhoon – same spelling

hill – a small mountain

bigger/larger sizes – for clothing

model – something small that represents an object

ex. car model

transcribe – to record something written, spoken or played by writing it down

ex. You can use apps to transcribe sentences from one language to another.

once/one time

Speaking exercise

It’s an exposition

It’s an exhibition 

There a lot of flower appeared where she was sitting.

There were a lot of flowers that appeared while she was sitting.

They announce a typhoon.

There was a typhoon announcement. 

I have a friend who is going to BJ on the Wednesday.

I have a friend who is going to BJ on Wednesday. 

In some areas in Chinese.

In some Chinese areas/districts.  

Google translate write the word in Chinese.

Google translate transcribes the words into Chinese.

French people and Italian people are very near

French people and Italian people are very similar 


typhoon – tai-foon