F2F Class Notes (Li)[S]


play – just acting in theatre

musical – with singing and dancing

double – 2 times

triple – 3 times

eg. In HZ most houses are doubled in size compared to SH.


every people 


Speaking exercise

She was the student in a university there.

She had her intern life so she didn’t have enough time to go back to do this.

That was before my last job.

It’s very interesting and I see all the people drinking all day. There’s not a lot of people on the street and they hold a bottle of beer.


She was a student at a university there.

She had her internship so she didn’t have enough time to go back to do this/sort this out

That was before my current job. 

It’s very interesting and I see everyone drinking every day. There’s not a lot of/many people on the street and most of them were holding a bottle of beer.


hyde – hide

tiny – tai-nee