F2F Class Notes (Li)[S]

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Slowing down speech and improving clarity


above waist level

waste time on minor details

cut down on/reduce our time

drone: a machine that can fly in the air that can take videos/pictures

electronic products/devices/technology products

hard/difficult to understand/digest

create/build on

younger/female/older population – younger/female/older people


object pronouns – the receiver

me, you, him, her, it, us, them

ex. We need him to come in early.

ex. She doesn’t want us to eat the cake.

make the TVC to be real 

how to make the TVC/commercial realistic 

verb 1 + to + verb 2 (base form)

ex. I don’t like to work with these brands.

ex. They can try to talk to their customers.


the – specific nouns/after you mention it

a/an – general nouns/first time

ex. Some commercials that I do has a car. The car needs to drive on the highway.


the – specific nouns

ex. The children in this building are noisy.

ex. The brands that I work with are very different.

don’t use any – general nouns

ex.  I need to find new clients this year.

ex. Swimming pools have a lot of people during summer.

Speaking exercise

It’s cosmetic TVC so usually the client focus on the celebrity face but for this client I don’t know why she focus on the dress, clothes, shoes. She asked me “What brand of the clothes, shoes?” I said, “Why you focus on the clothes, shoes?”

I need to ask the stylist and push my client to accept it. I told her for all the cutting we just have the below the waist cut.

We stilll need to solve some other problems. The celebrity don’t want to get up at 9 AM but we need she to get up at 9 AM.

She just told us that she don’t need so much time to perform. She thinks she is good enough to just with one times.  We don’t think so because it’s the third time I’ve worked with her. I’m sure we need more time to prepare.

But, because of pandemic, the budget for the brands got cut down so we need to find the new clients so we need to remark our clients.

Every different brands they have different things to focus on. Like HW, they like to present their brand spirit in every TVC. Like for cars, they have to show the cars run on the highway. It’s hard for me so I need to find the directors with the experience.


It’s a cosmetic TVC so usually the client focuses on the celebrity’s face, but for this client, I don’t know why she is focused on/specific about the dress, clothes, shoes etc/and so on. She asked me “Which brand of clothes, shoes are they?” I said, “Why are you so focused on the clothes, shoes/them?”

I need to ask the stylist and push/persuade my client to accept it. I told her for all the editing we just have the above the waist shots.

We still need to solve/figure out some other problems. This celebrity doesn’t want to get up at 9 AM but we need her to get up at 9 AM.

She just told us that she doesn’t need so much time to perform. She thinks she is good enough to just perform once/to get it right once.  We don’t think so because it’s the third time I’ve worked with her. I’m sure we need more time to prepare.

But, because of/due to the pandemic, the budget for the brands got cut down/reduced so we need to find new clients to make up for the business. 

Different brands they have different demands/requirements. Like HW, they like to present/demonstrate their brand spirit in every TVC. For cars, they have to show the cars driving on the highway. It’s hard for me so I need to find directors with the experience.