F2F Class Notes (Li)[S]


launch an event

ambassador: a representative or promotor for a brand etc.

over 30/30+/above 30/more than 30

plan B: a second option

eg. For my job I always have to come up with a plan B for when things go wrong.

eg. What do we do if there’s no plan B?

set-up the lights/camera

long time/process/it’s time-consuming

to be in a hurry

show/demonstrate their perfect face/flawless face


women celebrities 

female celebrities

a little bit more available 

have better chances of increasing their job opportunities /increases the chances of them landing more jobs 

can/will – present/future tense/informal

shall – formal

could/would/should – past tense/formal

Speaking exercise

Every girls like fashion, we like pretty clothes and we like the skincare or the makeup so it feel you can connect with the newest fashion trend. When I was a intern for a very famous jeans brand. I’m a intern when I was just graduated from university and I work for the PR team. I have associate with some fashion editors and we will send the clothes, the jeans to them and they will use it when they was shooting. I think their shooting thing is very interesting. I think they very attractive I think so I think “Why not I try to be a fashion editor?”

I think maybe they have something similar so I just think maybe I can go there and be a home editor. It’s a magazine for woman’s fashion, makeup and lifestyles.


Every girl likes fashion, we like pretty clothes and we like skincare or makeup so it feels you can connect with the newest/latest/keep up to date with the fashion trend. When I was an intern for a very famous jeans brand. I was an intern when I was just graduated from university and I worked for the PR team. I was associated with/in contact with some fashion editors and we would send the clothes, the jeans to them and they will use them when they were shooting. I thought their shooting styles were very interesting. Then, I thought they were very attractive so I think “Why don’t I try to be a fashion editor/Why don’t I give it a go?”

I thought maybe there are some similarities so I just thought maybe I could go there and be a home editor. It’s a magazine for women’s fashion, makeup and lifestyle.


doll – dal -ll

door – do-all