F2F Class Notes (Li)[S]


Pick a topic from your course and try to explain/introduce it next class.


confirm – to be sure/make certain

ex. My enrolment date hasn’t been confirmed yet.

ex. She will confirm the results with us next week.

How are you finding the course so far? Is the course good/bad/easy/hard?

express – communicate an idea/feeling etc.

I’m in the process of/currently applying for another masters

work in progress – the job/work is not finished yet


use the comparative to compare A & B

good – better – best

ex. My writing is better than my speaking.

on – apps/websites 

ex. on Zoom/WeChat/Facebook/Taobao

at – specific time/night/midnight/noon

ex. at 5 o’clock/6pm

ex. 5 o’clock in the afternoon/evening/  5 am/pm (five am/pm)

in – periods of the day

ex. in the morning/afternoon/evening

Speaking exercise

Because of COVID-19, I delayed to next February.

Because of COVID-19, I delayed my move to the UK to next February.

The online course has began. But, because the course is separated from 3 semesters so the second semester, I will go to the UK. The first semester, I accepted the online course for one semester.

The online course has begun. But, because the course is separated into 3 semesters so I will go to the UK on the second semester. I accepted the online course for one semester. 

I accepted the offer just before the COVID-19 breakout so I quit my job.

I accepted the offer just before the COVID-19 outbreak so I quit my job.

Start in 5 o’clock pm.

Starts at 5 o’clock in the evening/5 pm. 

Before I decided to in the UK. I live in SH so my oral English is not very good.

Before I decided to study in the UK, I have been living in SH so my oral English is not very good/poor.  

When I speak out, I know the grammar mistake…

When I speak, I can usually spot my grammar mistakes after/I can only spot my grammar mistakes after I say something.  

They didn’t get my meaning.

They didn’t get my meaning/They couldn’t understand me.  


tired – tie-yed