F2F Class Notes (Lily)[W]


employees= em ploy Es
employer= em ploy YER
employ= employ


1. eliminate= get rid of, to take away 消除
ex: We should eliminate office politics as much as we could.

2. discrimination = 歧视, 区分
ex: Racial discrimination is strongly prohibited in a workplace.
ex: Sexual discrimination exists in almost all workplaces.

3. prohibited= cannot do
ex: Smoking is prohibited in this office.

4. broad= big range
ex: ” Is China a good country?” This is a broad topic.

5. strict= 严厉
ex: My mother is a strict person, I have to go home before 6pm everyday.

6. chill= opposite of strict, relaxed
ex: you’re so chilled. You have nothing to do.
ex: I’m just chilling today.

Writing exercise

How to improve relations between colleagues?
1. Regularly organize teambuilding
A department or the entire company goes out to do group tasks together. It can also be a group dinner, and the work is not discussed during the period. Colleagues can decide where to eat next time in turn. This will not only ease the working stress of employees, but also make them to know each other better.

2. Reduce the relationship of benefit between employees.
Develop team performance or team rewards policies to improve this issue.
The attitude of the leadership must also be fair in order to reduce intrigue (尔虞我诈,勾心斗角)between employees.

3. Deep communication, become the mainstay of the team. (主心骨)
We have to spend time and have more patience to listen to their needs that are in the depth of their hearts.
When the team faces a problem, team members can make comments about issue to the mainstay of the team. And he starts a team discussion, develop and implement the solution. This will reduce the team’s misunderstanding which is caused by disagreement.


How to improve relations between colleagues?
1. Organize team buildings regularly/ on a regular basis
A department or the entire company could go  out to do group tasks together. It can also be a group dinner, and the discussion of work related topics should be eliminated.  Colleagues can decide where to eat next time in turns. This will not only ease the working stress of employees, but also make them to know each other better. *team participation/ team involvement *

2. Reduce the interest relations between employees.
Develop team performance or team rewards policies to improve this issue. *focus more on team performance than individuals*
The attitude of the leadership must also be fair in order to reduce office politics between employees.

3. in-depth communication, become the backbone of the team.
We have to spend time and have more patience to listen to them and recognize their needs.
When the team faces a problem, team members can give advices about issue to the team leader. he could arrange a team discussion, develop and implement the solution. This will reduce the team’s misunderstanding. which is caused by disagreement.