F2F Class Notes (Lily)[S/R]


Colors are all around us and there is no way we can escape them. But what do certain colors stand for? The meaning of colors has changed in the course of history but certain facts are still true about them


Black often means power and authority. Overweight people often wear black because it makes you look thinner. Black also means that you are willing to obey someone. Priests, for example, wear black because they obey God. Black also symbolizes evil and death. Villains often wear black clothes and people wear black at a funeral.


escape= is gape

funeral= Feel neural (letter u sound)

priest= preeest (letter e sound)

villains= vil leng s

evil= EEE vou


villain= bad person (a cruelly malicious person who is involved in or devoted to wickedness or crime)

ex: The villain in Batman is the Joker.

evil= bad; immoral; wicked:

ex: Is evil nature or nurture?

Speaking exercise


if we see some saturated colors like red, blue, yellow, it could impress us. If some colours like blue, tiffany blue, people will feel peace. If we see black colour or white colour, it could make the space look bigger. But people wear black maybe he is very serious or professional. If people dress many colours, maybe he is an artist or he is very easygoing or very creative thinking.

if we see some saturated colors like red and yellow, they could impress us. If we see some colours like blue, tiffany blue, people will feel peace. If we see black colour or white colour, the colours could make the space look bigger. People who wear black may be very serious or professional. If someone dress colourfully, maybe he is an artist, he might be very easygoing or very creative thinking.