F2F Class Notes (Lily)[S/R]


egg- 诶 g

expert- ex BERT

scene= seen

race – letter a sound  r ace ( pace, brace, plate, hate)

injuries- IN jury s

participants= par TI cipants


1. agressive= someone who gets mad easily,tending toward unprovoked offensives, attacks, invasions

ex: My brother is very aggressive, he always gets into a fight with his girlfriend.

2. disorder=  illness, in which parts of your body do not work the way they should; a disturbance in physical or mental health or functions

ex: a stomach disorder

3. scene= the place where some action or event occurs, view

ex: scene of murder

ex: I don’t like to watch love/sex scenes in romantic dramas. (fifty shades of grey)

Speaking exercise

I’m on a diet recently, just try not to eat that much. Yesterday I ate two eggs and a cup of milk for the breakfast, and then I ate malatang, at home I was starving. I want to order something online. Before I did this I opened one of my app to watch some video, I watched a Canadian singer called Shawn Morris. He is very young, he is very cute. After I finished watching his video, I decided not to eat anymore. I already lose 2 kg. I’m planning to do some exercise but I’m not sure if I will really do it. I used to pay for private coach in the gym, but it’s very expensive, and coach is not very professional. I don’t think I will rehire another private coach again. My goal is maintain 65kg. I have to lose 15 kg to achieve the goal. I hope I can make this happen this year.


I’m on a diet recently, I’m just trying not to eat that much. Yesterday I ate two eggs and a cup of milk for the breakfast, and then I ate malatang, when I got home home I was starving. I wanted to order some food online. Before I did this I opened one of my app to watch some videos, I watched a Canadian singer called Shawn Morris. He is very young, he is very cute. After I finished watching his video, I decided not to eat anymore. I already lost 2 kg. I’m planning to do some exercises but I’m not sure if I will really do it. I used to pay for private trainers in the gym, but it’s very expensive, and the trainer wasn’t very professional. I don’t think I will need another trainer. My goal is to maintain 65kg. I have to lose 15 kg to achieve the goal. I hope I can make this happen this year.


Road rage is aggressive behaviour by drivers on the road.  It has become so common that some psychologists say it is a mental disorder. Many things can cause road rage. Some driving experts think that road rage occurs because people watch chase scenes on TV. Others watch Formula One races and want to copy their favourite driver. Road rage results in accidents, which can lead to serious injuries or the death of other road participants.