F2F Class Notes (Lily)[S]

abs= abdominal muscles (fu ji )

ex: Most women like men who have abs.

motivate (verb): to provide with a motive, or a cause or reason to act (ci ji )

ex: What motivated you to go to gym?

motivation (noun) (dong li)

ex: What is your biggest motivation for work? Money? hahahahah

ex: My skinny girl friend is my motivation for going to the gym.

can’t stand it= cannot accept (shou bu liao)

ex: CAROL, COME TO THE ROLLER COASTER! Carole: nononono, I can’t stand it.

stand= accept (shou de liao)

ex: Can you stand men who are superficial?

Speaking exercise

My stomach is getting fat, my weight is growing everyday. I always feel hungry. I think it’s a big problem. Judy told me some exercises, I think running and abs exercises are good. Now I’m thinking how many time I should go to gym a week.

My stomach is getting fat, my weight is increasing everyday. I always feel hungry. I think it’s a big problem. Judy told me some exercises for losing weights, I think running and abs exercises are good. Now I’m wondering how many times I should go to gym a week.

I think the new iPhone is very expensive. A lot of co-workers are considering which one they want to buy. I want to buy an iPhone 8 plus, so my dad can get my previous one. The iPhone x have face ID, I don’t think it’s safe for my secrets.

I think the new iPhone is very expensive. A lot of co-workers are considering which one they want to buy. I want to buy an iPhone 8 plus, so my dad can have my old one. The iPhone x has face ID, I don’t think it’s safe for my secrets.