F2F Class Notes (Lily)[S]


ex: I always buy Merries diapers for my daughter

2. household items= 日用品
ex: I bought a lot of household items.

3. give birth to XX= 生XX
ex: I gave birth to my son 1 year ago.
ex: I still remember the pain when I gave birth to my baby.

4. passed out= 昏过去了
ex: I passed out when I gave birth to my boy.
ex: if you drink too much, you will pass out.

Speaking exercise

I buy a lot of things about my son. For example, some diapers, the food, clothes, shoes, many things. I bought some clothes for myself. Many things have a lot of discount, so many people think it’s more cheaper. The important thing is discount. I don’t buy everything, I buy something for my need.

Before I born my son, I don’t like buy something. Just born my son, I like the diaper and something I need buy.


I bought a lot of things for my son. For example, some diapers, the baby food, clothes, shoes, many other things. I bought some clothes for myself. Many things will be on discount, so many people think it’s more cheaper. The most important thing is the discount. I don’t buy unnecessary things, I only buy things that I need. 

Before I gave birth to my son, I didn’t like to shop online. After giving birth to my son, I like to buy the diapers and things I need.