F2F Class Notes (Lily)[S]


1. go to the gym= 去健身房
ex: I will go to the gym this afternoon for 1 hour.
ex: I will go to the gym to do some yoga.
ex: I like going to the gym/ I like to go to the gym.
ex: I haven’t been to the gym for a lonnnngggg time.


for + (time period) 时间段
ex: I have learned piano for 8 years.
ex: I go to the gym for 1 hour everyday.
ex: I will talk to you for 5 mins. 我会和你聊5分钟

in + (time period) 某个时间内
ex: I will talk to you in 5 mins. 我5分钟内和你聊
ex: I will finish the exercise in 1 min. 我1分钟内做完练习。

I like be with my son . I like to be with my son. I like being with my son.

Speaking exercise

Recently I lose my weight and make fit. The whole day I was went to work at 9 o’clock until 6 pm. I went back to home, I be with my son to read some books about dragon and played puzzles with him

In the morning I eat some fruit juice, lunch time I eat some vegetables and beef and go to gym about one hour. At dinner, I eat some fruit juice. I lost 2 kg weight in 2 weeks.


Recently I’m trying to loose my weight and go to the gym. The whole day I was went to work at 9 o’clock until 6 pm. I went back to home to be with my son, we read some books about dragons and played puzzles together.

In the morning I drink some fruit juice, during lunch time, I eat some vegetables and beef , and go to gym for one hour. For dinner, I eat some fruit juice. I lost 2 kg weight in 2 weeks.