F2F Class Notes (Lily)[S]

Next Class Focus

I am, you are, he/she is, we are, they are


When= 什么时候
ex: When are you coming? I am coming now.
When are you leaving?  I am leaving now/ I will be leaving in 5 mins.
When is the dinner? Dinner is at 7pm.

What= 什么
ex: What is this/ it?
What are you doing? What did you do? eat? play? drink?
What does this mean?

Why= 为什么
ex: Why do you like….
      Why are you mad? sad? happy? sick?

Who= 谁
ex: Who are you? 你是谁?
Who is this?这是谁?

Where= 哪里
ex: Where are you from?
ex: Where are you?
ex: Where is my phone?

How= 如何/怎么
ex: How are you?
ex: How do you say _______ in English?
ex: How‘s your mom?

Speaking exercise

Where is Judy? She is at home. What is she doing? She is watching TV. When do you see her? I see her at 12 o’clock. How is Judy? She is very beautiful.