F2F Class Notes (Lily)[S]

  1. dread= feel anxious or worried about something that is going to happen

ex: I’ve got an interview tomorrow, and I’m dreading it.

2. procrastinate= do things at the last minutes

ex: I procrastinated on the paper that I was suppose to finish a long time ago.

3. eliminate= take out, leave out

ex: By living alone, you can eliminate direct conflicts with parents.


As you’re straining to concentrate on that last hour of work you suddenly remember the English class you booked for your child this evening.

The thought of rushing back, being stuck in a traffic jam and arriving late for their class (again) fills you with dread. Not to mention the cries of protests as your child refuses to get ready and repeatedly tells you that they don’t want to go to the class.

You snap out of the daydream and begin to think about the very real amount of money you are paying for your child’s English classes. And for what? Rushing around with an unhappy child quite obviously not in the right mindset to learn?

One of the reasons so many parents are choosing online English classes for their kids is because of the convenience. By signing up your children to an online academy you immediately eliminate any wasted time travelling to and from a physical academy – avoiding all those rush hour traffic jams in the process!

Speaking exercise

Topic: Online Classes in Shanghai

During the third year of my high school, I bought two online classes, one for math and the other for English. `these class are for entrance examination for university.

I think the online class were not as good as F2F classes. It’s not easy for students to finish all online classes, because the time to learn is so casual.  For teachers, they couldn’t adjust what they taught according to the level of the student. If you have many time or don’t want to go out, online class is more convenient.  The price of these classes are also cheaper than F2F classes. In China, there aren’t many resources to share online, so we haven’t developed many online classes. Education department haven’t opened online classes of university. You can’t get the score of online classes. But in the cultivation market, like cultivation of middle school or high school, they are run by different organization, but by public school.


During the third year of my high school, I took two online classes, one for math and the other for English. These class were for the entrance examination of university.

I think the online class were not as good as F2F classes. It’s not easy for students to finish all of them, because the time is too flexible. For teachers, they couldn’t adjust what they taught according to the level of the student. If you want to save time or don’t want to go out, online classes are more convenient.  The price of these classes are also cheaper than F2F classes. In China, there aren’t many resources online, so we haven’t developed many online classes. The education department hasn’t developed online classes/ curriculum of university. You can’t get the credits of online classes. But in the training market, like cultivation of middle school or high school, they the classes are held by different private organizations instead of public schools.