F2F Class Notes (Lily)[S]

Speaking exercise

Designated survivors

The actor is who the actor is from 24 hours. In this TV show, he is a united states president. Originally, he wasn’t a president, but his governors all died, so this guy he becomes the president, because he is one of the designated survivor. In the beginning, no one trust him. His governors all died due to a terrorist attack.  This guy has to rebuild the government, and rebuild American’s confident. He tries to find the terrorist. There is a agent whose name is Well, help him find the terrorist. Aron help him to deal with relationship with another governor.

The actor is who the actor is from the drama “ 24 hours”. In this TV show, he is a president from the United States.Originally, he wasn’t a president, but the original president and his governors all died, so this guy he became the president, because he is one of the designated survivor. In the beginning, no one/nobody trusts him. His governors all died due to a terrorist attack.  This guy has to reconstruct the government, and rebuild/ reestablish American’s confident. He tries to find the terrorist. There is an agent whose name is Well,she helps him to find the terrorist. Aron helps him to deal with the relationship with another governor.


president= PRE zi dent

prisoner= PRI zon ner

governor= goh-ver-ner

season= see- zen

episode= e-pi- sode