F2F Class Notes (Lily)[R/S/W]

Writing exercise

One day when I talked with my son, I said there are many animals in the sea, many corals , many kinds of fishes. Suddenly, My son said , there are many rubbish in the sea. I’m very worry about our environment and let my son saw that sea view.
If we cut down too much trees and polluted rivers , we just leave rubbish for our children. No fresh air no delicious foods and the earth will die.

One day, when I talked to my son, I said “there are many animals in the sea, many corals , many kinds of sea creatures” . Suddenly, My son said , there are many rubbish in the sea. I’m very worried about our environment and I am ashamed that my son saw the polluted sea.
If we cut down too many trees and pollute rivers , we will leave rubbish for our children. There will be no fresh air , no delicious food and the earth will die.

Speaking exercise

Before the golden week, he had two months running nose, so we tried many different medicines, and took him to many different emergencies. but in the countryside, his nose cleared up due to the fresh air.

Before the golden week, he had running nose for two months, so we tried many different medicines, and took him to many different emergencies. but when he went to the countryside, his nose cleared up due to the fresh air.


A group of vendors in Peru were selling animals in catalogues and on public roads. Peruvian authorities entered the group’s house and rescued the animals. There were around 100 of them, including 40 puppies.

catalogue: something that contains such a list or record, as a book, leaflet, or file.

ex: Every book has a catalogue.

authorities: a person in a position of power, the power to determine, adjudicate, or otherwise settle issues or disputes; jurisdiction; the right to control, command, or determine.

ex: person —> We should obey authorities

ex: noun—> Men usually want authority/power over money.

rescue: help ___ out of a bad situation

ex: I rescued a cat from the building.