F2F Class Notes (Lily)[R]


1.arrange (verb) = 安排
arrangement (noun)= 安排
ex: I need to arrange our trip to Paris.
ex: I made all the arrangements, just come.

2. attentive = 体贴,周到的
ex: we all want to receive attentive service from the servers.
ex: my boyfriend is very attentive, he brings me coffee every morning

3. bill 账单
ex: Can I have the bill please?
ex: I’ll get the bill 我来买单

4. the norm =惯例,正常行为
ex: the norm of tipping is different in Canada and China.
ex: it’s a norm to split the bill among colleagues when they go out to eat.

5. split the bill= AA
ex: In Canada, we usually split the bill if we eat with friends.



It’s nice to go out for a meal at a restaurant. But what makes it extra special – apart from the food – is to receive attentive service from the staff. What can leave a bad taste in your mouth, though,is to be handed the bill and see that a service charge has been added. You’re faced with the dilemma of deciding to pay it, and whether you should add a tip on top.

Putting your hand in your pocket to reward good service is a personal choice, but it also depends on where you are in the world. What is the norm in one city is not necessarily the norm in another. In some places a tip is expected; but in others, good service should be expected and ought to be included in the price.