F2F Class Notes (Lily)[R]


killing- kill ling

murder- MER Der  ** ur is er sound** (turn tern, perm nurse immerse purpose, person)

respect- res BECT (sp is sb sound!!!!!)

danger- DIng ger

allowed = a lao  d

physchological- si ko LOgical

phychology- si KOlogy

psycho – si KO


1. embryo = an animal or human that has not been born and has just begun to develop

ex: people who are pro abortion believe that it’s ok to take away an embryo.

2. rape= to have sex with someone unwillingly

ex: abortion should be allowed if a woman has been raped

3. poverty-  the situation of being poor

ex: when I was young, I lived in poverty.

4. cope = deal with

ex: It’s difficult to cope with an aggressive man.



Arguments against abortion

  • Human embryos should have the same rights as normal people
  • Killing unborn life is murder
  • A child is a gift of God
  • Abortion disrespects human life
  • Women who undergo an abortion may have serious psychological problems later on in life
  • Arguments in favor abortion

    • Abortion should be allowed if a woman’s life is in danger
    • Some say that abortion should be allowed if a child is expected to have a mental deficiency or is going to be mentally ill.
    • Many doctors and psychologists think that abortion should be allowed if a woman has been raped.
    • Everyone should have control over their own body.
    • Some young mothers live in poverty  and are too young to cope with a child.