F2F Class Notes (Lily)[R]


abortion- abor shen

concerned- con SERN ed

changed- chAIN ged

western- wes DERN (st is sd sound: stand up, standard, still, string, stream, street, strike, strive)


1. concerned= cared, interested

ex: I am very concerned of my daughter’s grade.

2. miscarriage= 小产 流产

ex: She had two miscarriages before she had her first child.



Abortions have been performed for thousands of years. The ancient Romans and Greeks were not very concerned about the lives of unborn babies. In the Old Testament women had to pay a fine if they had a miscarriage. Abortion laws have changed in most of the western world throughout the past centuries.

Abortion is an issue that has been discussed for ages.  Doctors, theologists, philosophers and politicians disagree on two issues: Should a mother be allowed to have an abortion and should an unborn child be protected?

In the course of the 20th century two groups evolved. Those who are in favor of allowing abortion are called the pro-choice movement, those who are against it the pro-life movement.