F2F Class Notes (Lily)[R]


psychologist- si KOlogist

disorder- dee SOrder

expert- ex BERT  **sp is sb sound** (special, spill, sport, sponsor)

occur- o KUR

chase- chay s

participant- par TI cipant


1.agressive- boldly assertive and forward; pushy:野蛮

ex: aggressive driver/ aggressive basketball player/ aggressive boyfriend

2. disorder- a disturbance in physical or mental health or functions

ex: a stomach disorder/ a physical disorder / mental disorder (depression)

3. occurred- happened

ex: the accident occurred at night, there was no witness.

4. participants= 参与者, people involved

ex: there are 10 participants in the beauty pageant.

5. injuries= 受伤 harm/ damage

ex: (noun): I have numerous injuries from the accident.

ex: (verb): He injured me severely with a knife.



Road rage is aggressive behaviour by drivers on the road.  It has become so common that some psychologists say it is a mental disorder. Many things can cause road rage. Some driving experts think that road rage occurs because people watch chase scenes on TV. Others watch Formula One races and want to copy their favourite driver. Road rage results in accidents, which can lead to serious injuries or the death of other road participants.