F2F Class Notes (Lily)[R]


1.exotic= x zodic

2. hanging out= han ging out

3.courses= COR ses

4. academy= a KA demy


1.exotic= introduced from abroad

ex: exotic foods; exotic plants.

2. refresh=  to make fresh again; cheer (a person, the mind, spirits, etc.).

ex: I need to refresh myself with a break.

3. pick up (a skill)= to learn something

ex: It’s easier to pick up English by living in Canada, the younger the better.

4. immerse= to involve deeply; absorb:

ex: She is totally immersed in her law practice.

ex: Lily went to French immersion in Canada for 16 years.

ex: If you immerse yourself in a language, you will pick it up really fast.

5. dedicated= to devote wholly , as to some person or purpose

ex: He dedicated his life to fighting corruption.

ex: If you are dedicated enough to learn English, you will learn it super fast.


It’s a dream for many people to spend a summer break in an exotic foreign country, hanging out with the locals, making a friend or two (or even a summer romance!) and returning home refreshed and fluent in a foreign language.

But can someone just pick up a language simply by being in the country in which it is spoken? Many companies that organize immersion exchange programmes, summer camps or English language courses in an English-speaking country would have you believe that it’s so much easier than with traditional English academies or online English classes. Even the word immersion itself sounds so, well, easy. Just immerse yourself in the language, like standing under a waterfall, and everything will just seep into your skin.