F2F Class Notes (Lily)[R]


  1. take (someone/ something) for granted: you think you deserve it without treasuring/thinking about it.

ex: I bought a lot of toys for my daughter, she took them for granted.

2. donuts: 甜甜圈 round, sweet dessert.

ex: Many young adults like to eat donuts in North America.

3. processed food: to make something with technology and machines in a factory

ex: Sausage is a processed food.

4. cholesterol: a substance present in animal fat and tissues; too much can lead to heart disease

ex: Mark is not worried about his cholesterol level because he is in super good health!

5.obesity (noun)/ obese (adjective): super super fat (unhealthily fat), very overweight.

ex: In Texas, more than 40% of the generation are obese.

6. drooling: mouth waters

ex: I drool when I see pizza.


processed: PROH cessed

cholesterol : ko LES Terol

obese: oh bees 

donuts: dou nuts


Trans Fat


Does your mouth water when you think of cookies, donuts, burgers and French fries? Many people prefer junk food like this to healthy food because they develop a taste for it. Processed, baked, and fried foods often contain a high amount of trans fats.

Trans fats raise bad cholesterol and lower the good cholesterol that your body needs. Fatty foods do more than cause obesity. Trans fats build up in the body and block blood flow to the heart. People whose diet contains a high percentage of trans fats are at risk of developing heart disease or having a stroke.